‘We are called to be evidence of God’s love breaking into the world.’

Runs in conjunction with the Spring Festival held annually in Laidley on the second weekend of September

The Op Shop is operated by the Laidley Uniting Church and is manned by a group of friendly volunteers.

This is a musical program for parents with their children between 0-5 years old.

Men gather for a social get together at 10.00am at Café Sorrella at Forest Hill on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month.

This Group meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month, and on the 5th Tuesday in a month, at 9.00am in the Laidley Church Hall.

Every Sunday morning, except School holidays, the Laidley Church has activities for primary and pre-school children during the Church Services.

There are a number of Home Groups or Bible Study groups connected to the church.